- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4註冊_歐盟評估富硒酵母作為所有動物飼料添
食品夥伴網訊 2021年12月9日,據歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟動物飼料添加劑和產品(FEEDAP)研究小組就富硒酵母(selenium-enriched yeast )作為所有動物飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發表科學意見。
Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of selenium-enriched yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060) for all animal species, ba
sed on a dossier submitted for the modification of the terms of the authorisation of the additive. The additive is currently authorised as selenomethio
nine produced by S. cerevisiae CNCM I-3060 as a nutritio
nal additive (compound of trace elements) with a minimum selenium co
ntent of 2,000?mg/kg. The applicant proposed the inclusion of an additio
nal formulation with a minimum co
ntent of selenium in the additive of 3,000?mg/kg. Co
nsidering (i) that the main changes in the manufacturing of the product compared to the former application involve the drying phase (spray-drying vs drum drying), which has led to slightly different values of the dusting potential and particle size, and (ii) the co
nditions of use already authorised, the FEEDAP Panel stated that the modification requested would o
nly affect the safety for the target animals and the users, without impacting the safety for the consumers, safety for the enviro
nment or the efficacy of the additive. The FEEDAP Panel co
ncluded that there are no co
ncerns for the safety of the target animals ba
sed on its previous assessment and an additio
nal study on homogeneity of the additive. The additive is hazardous by inhalation, is not irritant for the eyes, skin and is not a dermal sensitiser.