- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4_歐盟評估糖基化甜菊糖苷作為食品添加劑的
食品夥伴網訊 2022年2月9日,據歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,歐盟食品添加劑和調味劑小組(FAF)就糖基化甜菊糖苷(glucosylated steviol glycosides)作為食品添加劑在不同食品類別中的安全性發表科學意見。
The EFSA Panel on Food Additive and Flavourings (FAF) assessed the safety of glucosylated steviol glycosides proposed for use as a new food additive in different food categories. Glucosylated steviol glycosides co
nsist of a mixture of glucosylated steviol glycosides, co
ntaining 1–20 additio
nal glucose units bound to the parent steviol glycosides. Glucosylated steviol glycosides co
nsist of not less than 95% (on dry, dextrin-free, basis) of total steviol glycosides, comprised of glucosylated and parent steviol glycosides. Glucosylated steviol glycosides are produced via enzymatic bioco
nversion using cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) (EC, derived from a non-genetically modified strain of Anoxybacillus caldiproteolyticus, that catalyses the transfer of glucose from starch to steviol glycosides mixtures isolated from the dried leaves of Stevia Rebaudiana. The Panel co
nsidered that the me
tabolism of glucosylated steviol glycosides is sufficiently similar to the already authorised steviol glycosides, and thus, the toxicological data previously assessed by the ANS Panel for steviol glycosides (E 960) were co
nsidered to support their safety as food additive. The existing acceptable daily intake (ADI) for steviol glycosides (E 960) of 4?mg/kg body weight (bw) per day expressed as steviol can also be applied to glucosylated steviol glycosides. The Panel co
ncluded that there is no safety co
ncern for the use of glucosylated steviol glycosides as a new food additive at the proposed use and use levels. The Panel recommended some modifications to the specifications proposed by the applicant for glucosylated steviol glycosides with respect to the assay, the definition of the proposed new food additive and the proposed maximum limits for arsenic.