- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4登陸_歐盟評估部分脫脂的家蟋蟀作為新型食
食品夥伴網訊 2022年5月13日,據歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,歐盟營養、新型食品和食物過敏源(NDA)研究小組就部分脫脂的家蟋蟀(partially defatted house cricket)作為新型食品的安全性發表科學意見。
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver an opinion on defatted house cricket (Acheta domesticus) powder as a novel food (NF) pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. The NF is proposed as dry powder. The main compo
nents of the NF are protein, fat and fibre (chitin). The Panel notes that the co
ncentration of co
ntaminants in the NF depends on the occurrence levels of these substances in the insect feed. The Panel further notes that there are no safety co
ncerns regarding the stability of the NF if the NF complies with the proposed specification limits during its entire shelf life. The NF has a high protein content, although the true protein levels are overestimated when using the nitrogen-to-protein co
nversion factor of 6.25 due to the presence of non-protein nitrogen from chitin. The applicant proposed to use the NF as food ingredient in a number of food products. The target population proposed by the applicant is the general population. The Panel notes that, co
nsidering the composition of the NF and the proposed co
nditions of use, the co
nsumption of the NF is not nutritio
nally disadvantageous. The Panel notes that no genotoxicity and no subchro
nic toxicity studies with the NF were provided by the applicant. Co
nsidering that no safety co
ncerns arise from the history of use of the source of the NF (A. domesticus), and the limited difference between the whole insect and the partially defatted NF, the Panel identified no other safety co
ncerns than allergenicity. The Panel co
nsiders that the co
nsumption of the NF might trigger primary sensitisation to A. domesticus proteins and may cause allergic reactions in subjects allergic to crustaceans, mites and molluscs. Additionally, allergens from the feed may end up in the NF. That aside, the Panel co
ncludes that the NF is safe under the proposed uses and use levels.