無極4_歐盟評估嗜酸乳桿菌CECT 4529作為所有家禽種
- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4_歐盟評估嗜酸乳桿菌CECT 4529作為所有家禽種
食品夥伴網訊 2022年3月4日,應歐盟委員會要求,歐盟動物飼料添加劑和產品(FEEDAP)研究小組就嗜酸乳桿菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)CECT 4529作為所有家禽種類和所有觀賞鳥類飼料添加劑的安全性和有效性發布科學意見。
109 CFU/kg全價飼料或5×108 CFU/L飲用水使用時,有可能有效改善所有家禽種類和觀賞鳥類的產蛋或生長性能。部分原文報道如下:
Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of the feed additive co
nsisting of Lactobacillus acidophilus CECT 4529 (tradename: Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL) when used as a zootechnical additive for all poultry species and categories and all ornamental birds. The additive is authorised for use in laying hens, chickens for fattening, cats and dogs. With this application, the company requested a new authorisation for use in feed and water for drinking for all poultry species and categories and ornamental birds. The Panel co
ncluded that Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL is presumed safe for the target species, co
nsumers and the environment. As in previous opinions, the Panel also co
ncluded that it is co
nsidered an eye/skin irritant and a skin/respiratory sensitiser. Lactobacillus acidophilus D2/CSL when supplemented at 1 × 10
9 CFU/kg complete feed or 5 × 10
8 CFU/L water for drinking has the potential to be efficacious in to improving either laying or growing performance in all poultry species/categories and ornamental birds.