- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4註冊_歐盟食品安全局發布歐盟非洲豬瘟流行
食品夥伴網訊 2022年5月4日,歐盟食品安全局發布了歐盟非洲豬瘟流行病學分析報告(2020年9月至2021年8月)。
This report provides a des
criptive analysis of the African swine fever (ASF) Genotype II epidemic in the affected Member States in the EU and two neighbouring countries for the period from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021. ASF co
ntinued to spread in wild boar in the EU, it entered Germany in September 2020, while Belgium became free from ASF in October 2020. No ASF outbreaks in domestic pigs nor cases in wild boar have been reported in Greece since February 2020. In the Baltic States, overall, there has been a declining trend in proportions of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive samples from wild boar carcasses in the last few years. In the other countries, the proportions of PCR-positive wild boar carcasses remained high, indicating co
ntinuing spread of the disease. A systematic literature review revealed that the risk factors most frequently significantly associated with ASF in domestic pigs were pig density, low levels of biosecurity and socio-eco
nomic factors. For wild boar, most significant risk factors were related to habitat, socio-eco
nomic factors and wild boar management. The effectiveness of different co
ntrol options in the so-named white zones, areas wher
e wild boar densities have been drastically reduced to avoid further spread of ASF after a new introduction, was assessed with a stochastic model. im
portant findings were that establishing a white zone is much more challenging when the area of ASF incursion is adjacent to an area wher
e limited co
ntrol measures are in place. Very stringent wild boar population reduction measures in the white zone are key to success. The white zone needs to be far enough away from the affected core area so that the population can be reduced in time before the disease arrives and the timing of this will depend on the wild boar density and the required population reduction target in the white zone. Finally, establishing a proactive white zone along the demarcation line of an affected area requires higher culling efforts, but has a higher chance of success to stop the spread of the disease than establishing reactive white zo
nes after the disease has already entered in the area.