- 编辑:www.hwz100.com -無極4平台_歐盟評估氯化銨作為所有反芻動物、狗
食品夥伴網訊 2022年4月25日,歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)發布消息,歐盟食品安全局(EFSA)發布關於氯化銨(ammo
nium chloride)作為所有反芻動物、狗和貓飼料添加劑的授權更新申請的評估。
Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the assessment of the application for renewal of authorisation of the feed additive co
nsisting of ammo
nium chloride (tradename: Ammo
nium chloride AF) as a zootechnical additive for ruminants, cats and dogs. In 2012, the FEEDAP Panel delivered an opinion on the safety and efficacy of the additive and subsequently the additive was authorised in the EU. The additive is authorised as ‘ammo
nium chloride with a co
ntent of ammo
nium chloride ≥ 99% and sodium chloride ≤ 0.5% in the active substance’ for ruminants, cats and dogs under the category ‘zootechnical additives’ and functio
nal group ‘other zootechnical additives’. The evidence provided by the applicant indicates that the additive currently in the market complies with the co
nditions of authorisation. No new evidence was found that would make the FEEDAP Panel reco
nsider its previous co
nclusions on the safety for target species, co
nsumers and environment. The FEEDAP Panel co
ncludes that ammo
nium chloride is co
nsidered an eye and skin irritant and a potential respiratory sensitiser, but is not a dermal sensitiser. The present application for renewal of the authorisation does not include a proposal for amending or supplementing the co
nditions of the original authorisation that would have an impact on the efficacy of the additive.